Painting & Printmaking

Master of Fine Art in Painting and Printmaking


Instruction in the program is rooted in the investigation of painting as a unique genre with its own complex syntax and history. Within this setting, the program encourages diversity of practice and interpretation, innovation, and experimentation.

Approximately twenty-one students are admitted each year. At the core of instruction are individual and group critiques with faculty, visiting critics, and visiting artists. In addition, students participate in a variety of seminars taught by both faculty and critics. The study of printmaking is integrated into the painting program, and a student may concentrate in painting, printmaking, or a combination of the two.

Students work in individual 300-square-foot studios at 353 Crown Street adjacent to Green Hall. Students have access to a printmaking workshop in the Crown Street building, equipped with two etching presses and a lithography press, a fully equipped silkscreen facility, as well as digital resources available in the print studio, throughout the School, and at the Center for Collaborative Arts and Media.

Notable Alumni:: Jennifer Bartlett, Chuck Close, John Currin, Rackstraw Downes, Janet Fish, Gary Lang, Robert Mangold, Brice Marden, Tameka Norris, Mickalene Thomas, Kehinde Wiley.